Dfsu and Mesh Overview

Dfsu and mesh files are both flexible mesh file formats used by MIKE 21/3 engines. The .mesh file is an ASCII file for storing the flexible mesh geometry. The .dfsu file is a binary dfs file with data on this mesh. The mesh geometry is available in a .dfsu file as static items.

For a detailed description of the .mesh and .dfsu file specification see the flexible file format documentation.

The flexible mesh

The mesh geometry in a .mesh or a .dfsu file consists of a list of nodes and a list of elements.

Each node has:

  • Node id
  • x,y,z coordinates
  • Code (0 for internal water points, 1 for land, >1 for open boundary)

Each element has:

  • Element id
  • Element table; specifies for each element the nodes that defines the element. (the number of nodes defines the type: triangular, quadrilateral, prism etc.)

In MIKE Zero, node ids, element ids and layer ids are 1-based. In MIKE IO, all ids are 0-based following standard Python indexing. That means, as an example, that when finding the element closest to a point its id will be 1 lower in MIKE IO compared to examining the file in MIKE Zero.

MIKE IO Flexible Mesh Geometry

MIKE IO has Flexible Mesh Geometry classes, e.g. GeometryFM2D, containing the list of node coordinates and the element table which defines the mesh, as well as a number of derived properties (e.g. element coordinates) and methods making it convenient to work with the mesh.

Property Description
n_nodes Number of nodes
node_coordinates Coordinates (x,y,z) of all nodes
codes Codes of all nodes (0:water, 1:land, >=2:open boundary)
boundary_polylines Lists of closed polylines defining domain outline
n_elements Number of elements
element_coordinates Center coordinates of each element
element_table Element to node connectivity
max_nodes_per_element The maximum number of nodes for an element
is_tri_only Does the mesh consist of triangles only?
projection_string The projection string
is_geo Are coordinates geographical (LONG/LAT)?
is_local_coordinates Are coordinates relative (NON-UTM)?
type_name Type name, e.g. Dfsu2D
Method Description
contains() test if a list of points are contained by mesh
find_index() Find index of elements containing points/area
isel() Get subset geometry for list of indicies
find_nearest_points() Find index of nearest elements (optionally for a list)
plot Plot the geometry
get_overset_grid() Get a Grid2D covering the domain
to_shapely() Export mesh as shapely MultiPolygon
get_element_area() Calculate the horizontal area of each element

These properties and methods are accessible from the geometry, but also from the Mesh/Dfsu object.

If a .dfsu file is read with mikeio.read, the returned Dataset ds will contain a Flexible Mesh Geometry geometry. If a .dfsu or a .mesh file is opened with mikeio.open, the returned object will also contain a Flexible Mesh Geometry geometry.

import mikeio

ds = mikeio.read("../data/oresundHD_run1.dfsu")
Flexible Mesh Geometry: Dfsu2D
number of nodes: 2046
number of elements: 3612
projection: UTM-33
dfs = mikeio.open("../data/oresundHD_run1.dfsu")
Flexible Mesh Geometry: Dfsu2D
number of nodes: 2046
number of elements: 3612
projection: UTM-33

Common Dfsu and Mesh properties

MIKE IO has Dfsu classes for .dfsu files and a Mesh class for .mesh files which both have a mikeio.spatial.GeometryFM2D/mikeio.spatial.GeometryFM3D accessible through the ´geometry´ accessor.

Dfsu types

The following dfsu file types are supported by MIKE IO.

  • 2D horizontal.
  • 3D layered.
  • 2D vertical profile - a vertical slice through a 3D layered file.
  • 1D vertical column - a vertical dfs1 file and is produced by taking out one column of a 3D layered file.
  • 3D/4D SW, two horizontal dimensions and 1-2 spectral dimensions. Output from MIKE 21 SW.

When a dfsu file is opened with mikeio.open() the returned dfs object will be a specialized class Dfsu2DH, Dfsu3D, Dfsu2DV, or DfsuSpectral according to the type of dfsu file.

The layered files (3d, 2d/1d vertical) can have both sigma- and z-layers or only sigma-layers.

In most cases values are stored in cell centers and vertical (z) information in nodes, but the following values types exists:

  • Standard value type, storing values on elements and/or nodes. This is the default type.
  • Face value type, storing values on element faces. This is used e.g. for HD decoupling files, to store the discharge between elements.
  • Spectral value type, for each node or element, storing vales for a number of frequencies and/or directions. This is the file type for spectral output from the MIKE 21 SW.