Example data
If you want to try one of the examples you need to first download some data files.
The files are stored on GitHub in the MIKE IO repo.
The easiest way is to the download the repo as a zip file and extract the files you need.
In the zip file you find the files in tests/testdata/
Some of the files:
├── FakeLake.dfsu
├── HD2D.dfsu
├── NorthSea_HD_and_windspeed.dfsu
├── consistency
│ ├── oresundHD.dfs2
│ └── oresundHD.dfsu
├── gebco_2020_n56.3_s55.2_w12.2_e13.1.nc
├── gfs_wind.nc
├── odense_rough.mesh
├── oresund_sigma_z.dfsu
├── pfs
│ ├── concat.mzt
│ └── t1_t0.mzt
├── tide1.dfs1
├── tide2.dfs1
Title | Description |
Dfs0 - CMEMS in-situ data | Copernicus Marine provides access to a wide range of model and in-situ data. In this example we will look at how to access the in-situ data and convert it to a MIKE IO… |
Dfs0 - Relative time axis | MIKE IO uses a pandas DatetimeIndex to represent the time dimension in dfs files. If the Dfs file has a relative time axis it will be converted to DatetimeIndex by using… |
Dfs0 examples | A collection of specific examples of working with dfs0 files. For a general introduction to dfs0 see the user guide and the API reference. |
Dfs2 - Bathymetric data | Convert GEBCO 2020 NetCDF to dfs2 |
Dfs2 - Meteo data | Conversion of NetCDF from Global Forecasting System to Dfs2 |
Dfs2 examples | A collection of specific examples of working with dfs2 files. For a general introduction to dfsu see the user guide and the API reference. |
Dfsu - 2D interpolation | Interpolate dfsu data to a grid, save as dfs2 and geotiff. Interpolate dfsu data to another mesh. |
Dfsu examples | A collection of specific examples of working with dfsu files. For a general introduction to dfsu see the user guide and the API reference. |
Generic dfs processing | Tools and methods that applies to any type of dfs files. |
Merging subdomain dfsu files | During simulation MIKE will commonly split simulation files into subdomains and output results with a p_# suffix. This script will merge dfsu files of this type into a… |
Time interpolation | Interpolate data to a specific time axis |
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