
A dfs2 file is also called a grid series file. Values in a dfs2 file are ‘element based’, i.e. values are defined in the centre of each grid cell.

import mikeio
ds = mikeio.read("../data/gebco_sound.dfs2")
dims: (time:1, y:264, x:216)
time: 2020-05-15 11:04:52 (time-invariant)
geometry: Grid2D (ny=264, nx=216)
  0:  Elevation <Total Water Depth> (meter)

Subset in space

The most convenient way to subset in space is to use the sel method, which returns a new (smaller) dataset, which can be further processed or written to disk using the to_dfs method.

x: [12.2, 12.21, ..., 13.1] (nx=216, dx=0.004167)
y: [55.2, 55.21, ..., 56.3] (ny=264, dy=0.004167)
projection: LONG/LAT
ds_aoi = ds.sel(x=slice(12.5, 13.0), y=slice(55.5, 56.0))
x: [12.5, 12.5, ..., 12.99] (nx=120, dx=0.004167)
y: [55.5, 55.5, ..., 55.99] (ny=120, dy=0.004167)
projection: LONG/LAT

In order to specify an open-ended subset (i.e. where the end of the subset is the end of the domain), use None as the end of the slice.

ds.sel(x=slice(None, 13.0))
dims: (time:1, y:264, x:191)
time: 2020-05-15 11:04:52 (time-invariant)
geometry: Grid2D (ny=264, nx=191)
  0:  Elevation <Total Water Depth> (meter)


The spatial information is available in the geometry attribute (accessible from Dfs2, Dataset, and DataArray), which in the case of a dfs2 file is a Grid2D geometry.

x: [12.2, 12.21, ..., 13.1] (nx=216, dx=0.004167)
y: [55.2, 55.21, ..., 56.3] (ny=264, dy=0.004167)
projection: LONG/LAT

Grid2D’s primary properties and methods are:

  • x
  • nx
  • dx
  • y
  • ny
  • dy
  • origin
  • projection
  • xy
  • bbox
  • contains()
  • find_index()
  • isel()
  • to_mesh()

See API specification for details.

Dfs2 resources