
Grid2D(self, *, x=None, x0=0.0, dx=None, nx=None, y=None, y0=0.0, dy=None, ny=None, bbox=None, projection='LONG/LAT', origin=None, orientation=0.0, axis_names=('x', 'y'), is_spectral=False, is_vertical=False)

2D grid Origin in the center of cell in lower-left corner x and y axes are increasing and equidistant


Name Description
bbox bounding box (left, bottom, right, top)
dx x grid spacing
dy y grid spacing
is_geo Are coordinates geographical (LONG/LAT)?
is_local_coordinates Are coordinates relative (NON-UTM)?
nx number of x grid points
ny number of y grid points
orientation Grid orientation
origin Coordinates of grid origo (in projection)
projection The projection
projection_string The projection string
x array of x coordinates (element center)
xy n-by-2 array of x- and y-coordinates
y array of y coordinates (element center)


Name Description
contains test if a list of points are inside grid
find_index Find nearest index (i,j) of point(s)
get_node_coordinates node coordinates for this grid
isel Return a new geometry as a subset of Grid2D along the given axis.
to_geometryFM convert Grid2D to GeometryFM2D
to_mesh export grid to mesh file



test if a list of points are inside grid


Name Type Description Default
coords array(float) xy-coordinate of points given as n-by-2 array required


Type Description
bool array True for points inside, False otherwise


Grid2D.find_index(x=None, y=None, coords=None, area=None)

Find nearest index (i,j) of point(s)


Name Type Description Default
x float x-coordinate of point None
y float y-coordinate of point None
coords array(float) xy-coordinate of points given as n-by-2 array None
area array(float) xy-coordinates of bounding box None


Type Description
(array(int), array(int)) i- and j-index of nearest cell



node coordinates for this grid


Type Description
array(float) 2d array with x,y-coordinates, length=(nx+1)*(ny+1)


Grid2D.isel(idx, axis)

Return a new geometry as a subset of Grid2D along the given axis.


Grid2D.to_geometryFM(z=None, west=2, east=4, north=5, south=3)

convert Grid2D to GeometryFM2D


Name Type Description Default
z float bathymetry values for each node, by default 0 None
west int code value for west boundary 2
east int code value for east boundary 4
north int code value for north boundary 5
south int code value for south boundary 3


Grid2D.to_mesh(outfilename, z=None)

export grid to mesh file


Name Type Description Default
outfilename str path of new mesh file required
z float or array(float) bathymetry values for each node, by default 0 if array: must have length=(nx+1)*(ny+1) None