ModelSkill assignment#

You are working on a project modelling waves in the Southern North Sea. You have done 6 different calibration runs and want to choose the “best”. You would also like to see how your best model is performing compared to a third-party model in NetCDF.

The data:

  • SW model results: 6 dfs0 files ts_runX.dfs0 each with 4 items corresponding to 4 stations

  • observations: 4 dfs0 files with station data for (name, longitude, latitude):

    • F16: 4.0122, 54.1167

    • HKZA: 4.0090, 52.3066

    • K14: 3.6333, 53.2667

    • L9: 4.9667, 53.6167

  • A map observations_map.png showing the model domain and observation positions

  • Third party model: 1 NetCDF file

The tasks:

  1. Calibration - find the best run

  2. Validation - compare model to third-party model

fldr = "../data/FMskill_assignment/"   # where have you put your data? 
import fmskill
from ModelSkill import PointObservation, ModelResult, Connector
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 import fmskill
      2 from ModelSkill import PointObservation, ModelResult, Connector

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fmskill'

1. Calibration#

  • 1.1 Start simple: compare F16 with SW1 (the first calibration run)

  • 1.2 Define all observations and all model results

  • 1.3 Create connector, plot temporal coverage

  • 1.4 Evaluate results

  • 1.5 Which model is best?

1.1 Simple compare#

Use to do a quick comparison of F16 and SW1.

What is the mean absolute error in cm? Do a time series plot.

1.2 Define all observations and all model results#

  • Define 4 PointObservations o1, o2, o3, o4

  • Define 6 ModelResults mr1, mr2, … (name them “SW1”, “SW2”, …)

  • How many items do the ModelResults have?

1.3 Create connector, plot temporal coverage#

  • Create empty Connector con

  • The add the connections one observation at a time (start by matching o1 with the 6 models, then o2…)

  • Print con to screen - which observation has most observation points?

  • Plot the temporal coverage of observations and models

  • Save the Connector to an excel configuration file

1.4 Evaluate results#

Do relevant qualitative and quantitative analysis (e.g. time series plots, scatter plots, skill tables etc) to compare the models.

1.5 Find the best#

Which calibration run is best?

  • Which model performs best in terms of bias?

  • Which model has the smallest scatter index?

  • Which model has linear slope closest to 1.0 for the station HKZA?

  • Consider the last day only (Nov 19) - which model has the smallest bias for that day?

  • Weighted: Give observation F16 10-times more weight than the other observations - which has the smallest MAE?

  • Extremes: Which model has lowest rmse for Hs>4.0 (df = cc.all_df[cc.all_df.obs_val>4])?

2. Validation#

We will now compare our best model against the UK MetOffice’s North West Shelf model stored in

  • 2.1 Create a ModelResult mr_NWS, evaluate mr_NWS.ds

  • 2.2 Plot the first time step (hint .isel(time=0)) of ds (hint: the item is called “VHM0”)

  • 2.3 Create a Connector con_NWS with the 4 observations and mr_NWS

  • 2.4 Evaluate NWS - what is the mean rmse?

  • 2.5 Compare NWS to SW5 - which model is better? And is it so for all stations and all metrics? (hint: you can merge ComparisonCollections using the + operator)