Exercise point observation#
import pandas as pd
# import PointObservation class from modelskill
Read from dfs0#
fn = '../data/SW/eur_Hm0.dfs0'
# Create a variable "position" with the coordinates 3.276, 51.999
# create a PointObservation object o1 initialized with fn
# and the x- and y-coordinates of the position
# check the name of o1
# modify the name of o1 to "EPL_dfs0"
# plot o1 as a timeseries
# what is the maximum value of o1?
Read from csv#
fn = '../data/SW/eur_Hm0.csv'
# Read the ../data/SW/eur_Hm0.csv to a DataFrame df (hint: you may need the na_values argument)
# verify that you get a reasonable time series (use df.plot() and df.describe())
# create a PointObservation object o2 initialized with df
# and the x- and y-coordinates of the position
# add itemInfo to o2 (hint: import eum from mikeio)
# compare the values of o1 and o2 - are there any differences?