Exercise: Basic model skill

Exercise: Basic model skill#

import modelskill as ms

You want do to a simple comparison between model and observation using the fmskill.compare method, but the following code snippet doesn’t work.

Change the code below, so that it works as intended. Hint: look at the documentation

fn_mod = '../data/SW/ts_storm_4.dfs0'
fn_obs = '../data/SW/eur_Hm0.dfs0'

c = ms.match(fn_obs, fn_mod)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/matching.py:512, in _parse_single_model(mod, item, gtype)
    511 try:
--> 512     return model_result(mod, item=item, gtype=gtype)
    513 except ValueError as e:

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/model/factory.py:58, in model_result(data, aux_items, gtype, **kwargs)
     56     geometry = GeometryType.from_string(gtype)
---> 58 return _modelresult_lookup[geometry](
     59     data=data,
     60     aux_items=aux_items,
     61     **kwargs,
     62 )

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/model/point.py:54, in PointModelResult.__init__(self, data, name, x, y, z, item, quantity, aux_items)
     53 if not self._is_input_validated(data):
---> 54     data = _parse_point_input(
     55         data,
     56         name=name,
     57         item=item,
     58         quantity=quantity,
     59         aux_items=aux_items,
     60         x=x,
     61         y=y,
     62         z=z,
     63     )
     65 assert isinstance(data, xr.Dataset)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/timeseries/_point.py:102, in _parse_point_input(data, name, item, quantity, x, y, z, aux_items)
    101     valid_items = list(data.data_vars)
--> 102 sel_items = _parse_point_items(valid_items, item=item, aux_items=aux_items)
    103 item_name = sel_items.values

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/timeseries/_point.py:37, in _parse_point_items(items, item, aux_items)
     36     elif len(items) > 1:
---> 37         raise ValueError(
     38             f"Input has more than 1 item, but item was not given! Available items: {items}"
     39         )
     41 item = _get_name(item, valid_names=items)

ValueError: Input has more than 1 item, but item was not given! Available items: ['Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height', 'Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'Europlatform: Wind speed', 'K14: Wind speed', 'F16: Wind speed', 'F3: Wind speed', 'Europlatform: Wind direction', 'K14: Wind direction', 'F16: Wind direction', 'F3: Wind direction']

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 4
      1 fn_mod = '../data/SW/ts_storm_4.dfs0'
      2 fn_obs = '../data/SW/eur_Hm0.dfs0'
----> 4 c = ms.match(fn_obs, fn_mod)

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/matching.py:247, in match(obs, mod, obs_item, mod_item, gtype, max_model_gap, spatial_method)
    201 """Match observation and model result data in space and time
    203 NOTE: In case of multiple model results with different time coverage,
    244     Create a Comparer from observation and model results that are already matched
    245 """
    246 if isinstance(obs, get_args(ObsInputType)):
--> 247     return _single_obs_compare(
    248         obs,
    249         mod,
    250         obs_item=obs_item,
    251         mod_item=mod_item,
    252         gtype=gtype,
    253         max_model_gap=max_model_gap,
    254         spatial_method=spatial_method,
    255     )
    257 assert isinstance(obs, Collection)
    259 if len(obs) > 1 and isinstance(mod, Collection) and len(mod) > 1:

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/matching.py:330, in _single_obs_compare(obs, mod, obs_item, mod_item, gtype, max_model_gap, spatial_method)
    327 """Compare a single observation with multiple models"""
    328 obs = _parse_single_obs(obs, obs_item, gtype=gtype)
--> 330 mods = _parse_models(mod, mod_item, gtype=gtype)
    332 raw_mod_data = {m.name: m.extract(obs, spatial_method) for m in mods}
    333 matched_data = match_space_time(
    334     observation=obs, raw_mod_data=raw_mod_data, max_model_gap=max_model_gap
    335 )

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/matching.py:485, in _parse_models(mod, item, gtype)
    483 """Return a list of ModelResult objects"""
    484 if isinstance(mod, get_args(MRInputType)):
--> 485     return [_parse_single_model(mod, item=item, gtype=gtype)]
    486 elif isinstance(mod, Sequence):
    487     return [_parse_single_model(m, item=item, gtype=gtype) for m in mod]

File /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/modelskill/matching.py:514, in _parse_single_model(mod, item, gtype)
    512         return model_result(mod, item=item, gtype=gtype)
    513     except ValueError as e:
--> 514         raise ValueError(
    515             f"Could not compare. Unknown model result type {type(mod)}. {str(e)}"
    516         )
    517 else:
    518     if item is not None:

ValueError: Could not compare. Unknown model result type <class 'str'>. Input has more than 1 item, but item was not given! Available items: ['Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height', 'Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height, W', 'Europlatform: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'K14: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'F16: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'F3: Sign. Wave Height, S', 'Europlatform: Wind speed', 'K14: Wind speed', 'F16: Wind speed', 'F3: Wind speed', 'Europlatform: Wind direction', 'K14: Wind direction', 'F16: Wind direction', 'F3: Wind direction']

When you have fixed the above snippet, you can continue to do the skill assessment

# plot a timeseries of the comparison
# * remove the default title
# * set the limits of the y axis to cover the 0-6m interval

Your colleague, who is very skilled at Excel, wants to make a plot like this one:

# Use the .df property on the comparer object to save the obs and model timeseries as an Excel file ("skill.xlsx")
# you might get an error "No module named 'openpyxl'", the solution is to run `pip install openpyxl`
# calculate the default skill metrics using the skill method
# calculate the skill using the mean absolute percentage error and max error, use the metrics argument
# c.skill(metrics=[__,__])
# import the hit_ratio metric from modelskillill.metrics
# and calculate the ratio when the deviation between model and observation is less than 0.5 m
# hint: use the Observation and Model columns of the dataframe from the .df property you used above

# is the hit ratio ~0.95 ? Does it match with your expectation based on the timeseries plot?
# what about a deviation of less than 0.1m? Pretty accurate wave model...
# hit_ratio(c.df.Observation, __, a=__)
# compare the distribution of modelled and observed values, using the .hist method
# change the number of bins to 10