
Xns11 is the main interface for accessing cross section data.

Opening files

from mikeio1d import Xns11
xns = Xns11('../data/mikep_cs_demo.xns11')
<mikeio1d.Xns11 (103)>

Cross section collections

Each Xns11 object is a collection of cross sections (CrossSectionCollection) with a file path.

from mikeio1d.cross_sections import CrossSectionCollection


isinstance(xns, CrossSectionCollection)


An overview of a cross section collection can be obtained by calling the to_dataframe method.

location_id chainage topo_id
basin_left1 2.004 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 2.004, 1>
33.774 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 33.774, 1>
80.945 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 80.945, 1>
122.042 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>
166.107 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 166.107, 1>
... ... ... ...
tributary 250.000 tributary <CrossSection: tributary, 250.000, tributary>
300.000 tributary <CrossSection: tributary, 300.000, tributary>
400.000 tributary <CrossSection: tributary, 400.000, tributary>
450.000 tributary <CrossSection: tributary, 450.000, tributary>
500.000 tributary <CrossSection: tributary, 500.000, tributary>

103 rows × 1 columns


Cross section collections are dict-like and can be indexed by a tuple of location ID, chainage, and topo ID. The values are CrossSection objects.

xns['basin_left1', '122.042', '1']
<CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>

Alternatively, the location ID, chainage, and topo ID can be explicitly expressed with the sel method.

xns.sel(location_id='basin_left1', chainage='122.042', topo_id='1')
<CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>


Cross section collections can be sliced by location ID, chainage, or topo ID. This returns a list of CrossSection objects.

xns['basin_left1'] # all cross sections at location 'basin_left1'
[<CrossSection: basin_left1, 2.004, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 33.774, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 80.945, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 166.107, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 184.886, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 210.212, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 264.614, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 284.638, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 341.152, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 413.617, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 481.451, 1>]
xns[:, '122.042'] # all cross sections at chainage '122.042'
[<CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>]
xns[:,:,'1'] # all cross sections with topo ID '1'
[<CrossSection: basin_left1, 2.004, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 33.774, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 80.945, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 166.107, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 184.886, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 210.212, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 264.614, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 284.638, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 341.152, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 413.617, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 481.451, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 29.194, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 94.137, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 159.062, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 214.431, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 281.473, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 341.557, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 398.991, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_left2, 434.188, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 0.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 69.014, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 122.513, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 182.271, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 238.800, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 343.386, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 403.762, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 436.489, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 520.410, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 563.294, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 567.166, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 636.389, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 662.699, 1>,
 <CrossSection: basin_right, 712.468, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_left, 0.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_left, 30.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_left, 46.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_left, 64.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 0.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 18.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 28.000, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 41.930, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 70.870, 1>,
 <CrossSection: link_basin_right, 80.400, 1>]


Cross section collections can be combined into a new collection.

sections = [*xns['basin_left1', '2.004'], *xns['basin_left1', '210.212']]
new_collection = Xns11(sections)
location_id chainage topo_id
basin_left1 2.004 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 2.004, 1>
210.212 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 210.212, 1>

Adding a cross section

A new cross section can be added to a collection with the add method.

xs_to_add = xns.sel(location_id='basin_left1', chainage='33.774', topo_id='1')
location_id chainage topo_id
basin_left1 2.004 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 2.004, 1>
210.212 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 210.212, 1>
33.774 1 <CrossSection: basin_left1, 33.774, 1>

Cross sections

A cross section is uniquely identified by its location ID, chainage, and topo ID.

xs = xns['basin_left1', '122.042', '1']
<CrossSection: basin_left1, 122.042, 1>


Cross sections can be plotted directly with the plot method.


Raw data

The raw data of a cross section can be accessed via the raw attribute.

df = xs.raw
markers marker_labels x z resistance
0 0.000 4059.508 25.0
1 2.062 4059.624 25.0
2 1 Left Levee Bank (1) 4.124 4059.754 25.0
3 6.186 4059.607 25.0
4 14.435 4058.882 25.0

Raw data is modifiable by setting the raw attribute with a new DataFrame of the same column names.

df_modified = xs.raw
df_modified['z'] = df_modified['z'] + 1000
xs.raw = df_modified


Markers can be viewed with the markers attribute.

marker marker_label x z
0 1 Left Levee Bank (1) 4.124 5059.754
1 2 Lowest Point (2) 72.914 5052.803
2 3 Right Levee Bank (3) 195.897 5057.989
3 4 Left Low Flow Bank (4) 71.119 5053.263
4 5 Right Low Flow Bank (5) 74.003 5053.357

Set and unset markers with the set_marker and unset_marker methods. Alternatively, reassign a modified marker DataFrame like is done for raw data.

xs.set_marker(42, 50) # set a user-defined marker '42' at the closest point to x=50

xs.unset_marker(42) # unset the user-defined marker '42'

Processed data

Processed data is accessible via the processed attribute.

df = xs.processed
level flow_area radius storage_width additional_storage_area resistance conveyance_factor
0 5052.803000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 25.0 0.000000
1 5052.944857 0.160191 0.075978 2.743476 0.0 25.0 0.718409
2 5053.086714 0.790062 0.165315 6.136873 0.0 25.0 5.949433
3 5053.228571 3.633195 0.172199 29.866016 0.0 25.0 28.113531
4 5053.370429 9.264321 0.251109 50.128968 0.0 25.0 92.185348

Processed data is modifiable by setting the processed attribute with a new DataFrame of the same column names.

df_modified = xs.processed
df_modified['level'] = df_modified['level'] -500
xs.processed = df_modified
level flow_area radius storage_width additional_storage_area resistance conveyance_factor
0 4552.803000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 25.0 0.000000
1 4552.944857 0.160191 0.075978 2.743476 0.0 25.0 0.718409
2 4553.086714 0.790062 0.165315 6.136873 0.0 25.0 5.949433
3 4553.228571 3.633195 0.172199 29.866016 0.0 25.0 28.113531
4 4553.370429 9.264321 0.251109 50.128968 0.0 25.0 92.185348

To recalculate processed datd based on the raw data, call the recompute_processed method.

xs.processed_allow_recompute = True
level flow_area radius storage_width additional_storage_area resistance conveyance_factor
0 5052.803000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 25.0 0.000000
1 5052.944857 0.160191 0.075978 2.743476 0.0 25.0 0.718409
2 5053.086714 0.790062 0.165315 6.136873 0.0 25.0 5.949433
3 5053.228571 3.633195 0.172199 29.866016 0.0 25.0 28.113531
4 5053.370429 9.264321 0.251109 50.128968 0.0 25.0 92.185348


Cross section collections can be extracted into a GeoDataFrame with to_geopandas.

gdf = xns.to_geopandas()
location_id chainage topo_id geometry
0 basin_left1 2.004 1 LINESTRING (385926.349 5715923.327, 385967.914...
1 basin_left1 33.774 1 LINESTRING (385918.718 5715879.808, 386007.086...
2 basin_left1 80.945 1 LINESTRING (385947.01 5715843.133, 386074.498 ...
3 basin_left1 122.042 1 LINESTRING (385970.062 5715808.903, 386134.575...
4 basin_left1 166.107 1 LINESTRING (385997.773 5715775.281, 386176.257...
gdf.plot(column='location_id', cmap='tab20', legend=True)

It is also possible to extract cross section markers as GeoDataFrames.

gdf = xns.to_geopandas(mode='markers')
location_id chainage topo_id marker marker_label geometry
0 basin_left1 2.004 1 1 Left Levee Bank (1) POINT (385926.349 5715923.327)
1 basin_left1 2.004 1 2 Lowest Point (2) POINT (385955.309 5715945.473)
2 basin_left1 2.004 1 3 Right Levee Bank (3) POINT (385967.914 5715955.112)
3 basin_left1 33.774 1 1 Left Levee Bank (1) POINT (385924.812 5715884.216)
4 basin_left1 33.774 1 2 Lowest Point (2) POINT (385973.567 5715919.482)
ax = xns.to_geopandas().plot()
xns.to_geopandas(mode='markers').plot(ax=ax, column='marker', markersize=9, legend=True)



There are also several notebook examples available on our GitHub repositoryhttps://github.com/DHI/mikeio1d/tree/main/notebooks.