
result_network.ResultReaches(self, res1d)

Class for wrapping ResultData reaches.

By itself it is also a dict, which contains mapping between reach name and IRes1DReach object or a list of IRes1DReach objects.


Name Type Description Default
res1d Res1D Res1D object the reaches belong to. required


Name Type Description
reach_label str A label, which is appended if the reach name starts with a number. The value used is reach_label = ‘r_’
result_reach_map dict Dictionary from reach name to a list of ResultReach objects. This is needed, because the reach name is not necessarily unique and several reaches could have the same name.


Name Description
add_derived_quantity Add a derived quantity to the result network.
get_or_create_result_reach Create or get already existing ResultReach object.
read Read the time series data for all quantities at these locations into a DataFrame.
remove_derived_quantity Remove a derived quantity from the result network.
set_quantity_collections Set quantity collections to the current ResultReaches object.
set_quantity_derived Set a single derived quantity attribute on the obj.
set_reaches Set attributes to the current ResultReaches object based on the reach name.
set_res1d_object_to_dict Create a dict entry from a key name to an object or a list of objects.
to_geopandas Convert reaches to a geopandas.GeoDataFrame object.



Add a derived quantity to the result network.


Name Type Description Default
derived_quantity DerivedQuantity Derived quantity to be added to the result network. required



Create or get already existing ResultReach object.

There potentially could be just a single ResultReach object, for many IRes1DReach object, which have the same name.

Also update self’s dict entry from reach name to a ResultReach object.

read, include_derived=False)

Read the time series data for all quantities at these locations into a DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
column_mode str | ColumnMode(optional) Specifies the type of column index of returned DataFrame. ‘all’ - column MultiIndex with levels matching TimeSeriesId objects. ‘compact’ - same as ‘all’, but removes levels with default values. ‘timeseries’ - column index of TimeSeriesId objects None
include_derived bool Include derived quantities. False



Remove a derived quantity from the result network.


Name Type Description Default
derived_quantity DerivedQuantity or str Derived quantity to be removed from the result network. Either a DerivedQuantity object or its name. required



Set quantity collections to the current ResultReaches object.



Set a single derived quantity attribute on the obj.



Set attributes to the current ResultReaches object based on the reach name.


result_network.ResultReaches.set_res1d_object_to_dict(dict_key, obj)

Create a dict entry from a key name to an object or a list of objects.


result_network.ResultReaches.to_geopandas(agg=None, agg_kwargs={}, segmented=True, include_derived=False)

Convert reaches to a geopandas.GeoDataFrame object.

By default, quantities are not included. To include quantities, use the agg and agg_kwargs parameters.


Name Type Description Default
agg str or callable Defines how to aggregate the quantities in time and space. Accepts any str or callable that is accepted by pandas.DataFrame.agg. None


- 'mean'  : mean value of all quantities
- 'max'   : maximum value of all quantities
-  np.max : maximum value of all quantities

agg_kwargs : dict, default {} Aggregation function for specific column levels (e.g. {time=‘min’, chainage=‘first’}). segmented : bool, (default=True) True - one LineString per IRes1DReach object. False - one LineString per reach name. include_derived : bool, default False Include derived quantities.


Type Description
geopandas.GeoDataFrame A GeoDataFrame object with reaches as LineString geometries.


Convert reaches to a GeoDataFrame (without quantities)

>>> gdf = res1d.reaches.to_geopandas()

Convert reaches to a GeoDataFrame with aggregated quantities

>>> gdf = res1d.reaches.to_geopandas(agg='mean')