


Name Description
avg_time Create a temporally averaged dfs file
concat Concatenates files along the time axis
diff Calculate difference between two dfs files (a-b)
extract Extract timesteps and/or items to a new dfs file
fill_corrupt Replace corrupt (unreadable) data with fill_value, default delete value.
quantile Create temporal quantiles of all items in dfs file
scale Apply scaling to any dfs file
sum Sum two dfs files (a+b)


generic.avg_time(infilename, outfilename, skipna=True)

Create a temporally averaged dfs file


Name Type Description Default
infilename str | pathlib.Path input filename required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path output filename required
skipna bool exclude NaN/delete values when computing the result, default True True


generic.concat(infilenames, outfilename, keep='last')

Concatenates files along the time axis

Overlap handling is defined by the keep argument, by default the last one will be used.


Name Type Description Default
infilenames Sequence[str | pathlib.Path] filenames to concatenate required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path filename of output required
keep str either 'first' (keep older), 'last' (keep newer) or 'average' can be selected. By default 'last' 'last'


The list of input files have to be sorted, i.e. in chronological order


generic.diff(infilename_a, infilename_b, outfilename)

Calculate difference between two dfs files (a-b)


Name Type Description Default
infilename_a str | pathlib.Path full path to the first input file required
infilename_b str | pathlib.Path full path to the second input file required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the output file required


generic.extract(infilename, outfilename, start=0, end=-1, step=1, items=None)

Extract timesteps and/or items to a new dfs file


Name Type Description Default
infilename str | pathlib.Path path to input dfs file required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path path to output dfs file required
start (int, float, str or datetime) start of extraction as either step, relative seconds or datetime/str, by default 0 (start of file) 0
end (int, float, str or datetime) end of extraction as either step, relative seconds or datetime/str, by default -1 (end of file) -1
step int jump this many step, by default 1 (every step between start and end) 1
items (int, list(int), str, list(str)) items to be extracted to new file None


>>> extract('f_in.dfs0', 'f_out.dfs0', start='2018-1-1')
>>> extract('f_in.dfs2', 'f_out.dfs2', end=-3)
>>> extract('f_in.dfsu', 'f_out.dfsu', start=1800.0, end=3600.0)
>>> extract('f_hourly.dfsu', 'f_daily.dfsu', step=24)
>>> extract('f_in.dfsu', 'f_out.dfsu', items=[2, 0])
>>> extract('f_in.dfsu', 'f_out.dfsu', items="Salinity")
>>> extract('f_in.dfsu', 'f_out.dfsu', end='2018-2-1 00:00', items="Salinity")


generic.fill_corrupt(infilename, outfilename, fill_value=np.nan, items=None)

Replace corrupt (unreadable) data with fill_value, default delete value.


Name Type Description Default
infilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the input file required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the output file required
fill_value float value to use where data is corrupt, default delete value np.nan
items Sequence[str | int] | None Process only selected items, by number (0-based) or name, by default: all None



Create temporal quantiles of all items in dfs file


Name Type Description Default
infilename str | pathlib.Path input filename required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path output filename required
q float | Sequence[float] Quantile or sequence of quantiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 1 inclusive. required
items Sequence[int | str] | None Process only selected items, by number (0-based) or name, by default: all None
skipna bool exclude NaN/delete values when computing the result, default True True
buffer_size float for huge files the quantiles need to be calculated for chunks of elements. buffer_size gives the maximum amount of memory available for the computation in bytes, by default 1e9 (=1GB) 1000000000.0


>>> quantile("in.dfsu", "IQR.dfsu", q=[0.25,0.75])
>>> quantile("huge.dfsu", "Q01.dfsu", q=0.1, buffer_size=5.0e9)
>>> quantile("with_nans.dfsu", "Q05.dfsu", q=0.5, skipna=False)


generic.scale(infilename, outfilename, offset=0.0, factor=1.0, items=None)

Apply scaling to any dfs file


Name Type Description Default
infilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the input file required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the output file required
offset float value to add to all items, default 0.0 0.0
factor float value to multiply to all items, default 1.0 1.0
items Sequence[int | str] | None Process only selected items, by number (0-based) or name, by default: all None


generic.sum(infilename_a, infilename_b, outfilename)

Sum two dfs files (a+b)


Name Type Description Default
infilename_a str | pathlib.Path full path to the first input file required
infilename_b str | pathlib.Path full path to the second input file required
outfilename str | pathlib.Path full path to the output file required