
Grid3D(self, *, x=None, x0=0.0, dx=None, nx=None, y=None, y0=0.0, dy=None, ny=None, z=None, z0=0.0, dz=None, nz=None, projection='NON-UTM', origin=(0.0, 0.0), orientation=0.0)

3D grid Origin in the center of cell in lower-left corner x, y and z axes are increasing and equidistant


Name Description
dx x-axis grid spacing
dy y-axis grid spacing
dz z-axis grid spacing
is_geo Are coordinates geographical (LONG/LAT)?
is_local_coordinates Are coordinates relative (NON-UTM)?
nx number of x grid points
ny number of y grid points
nz number of z grid points
orientation Grid orientation
origin Coordinates of grid origo (in projection)
projection The projection
projection_string The projection string
x array of x-axis coordinates (element center)
y array of y-axis coordinates (element center)
z array of z-axis node coordinates


Name Description
isel Get a subset geometry from this geometry


Grid3D.isel(idx, axis)

Get a subset geometry from this geometry