Module 3: Installable package and pytest

In the last module, you introduced modules, classes and a new notebook in you repo. In this module, you will add tests to your code base. But first, you will make your package installable.

  • Create new branch “package-test” (Make sure changes from last module have been merged, and that you start from the main branch)
  • 3.1 Installable package
    • Organize the files into folders and add Call your package tscleaner.
      • subfolders: tscleaner, scripts, notebooks, tests
      • make an init-file in the tscleaner folder with the following content:
      from .cleaning import SpikeCleaner, FlatPeriodCleaner, OutOfRangeCleaner
      from .plotting import plot_timeseries
      • create a in the root with the following content (change with your data):
      from setuptools import setup, find_packages
        author='Author Name',  
        description='Description of my package',  
        install_requires=['numpy', 'matplotlib'],  
  • Install the package in editable mode, by running the below command from the project root. - > pip install -e .
    • Modify import statements in notebook_A and script and make sure they run.
    • Modify the cleaner tools by raising exceptions for invalid inputs.
    • Move the csv file to /tests/testdata and update notebook with relative path to the file
  • 3.2 Pytest
    • Make sure pytest and pytest-cov are installed
    • Write unit tests with pytest in the /tests folder. Create an empty file in the folder. Create a file and create at least three tests that verify that the cleaning tools work as intended
    • If all your tests are failing, consider if you have given the right requirements in the
    • [Optional] Consider to make a fixture that reads the csv file and you can read in all tests
    • Run the tests from the commandline by writting >pytest in the project root (can you also run the tests from VSCode?)
    • Assess the test coverage with >pytest --cov=tscleaner tests
    • [Optional] Get coverage as html with >pytest --cov=tscleaner --cov-report html (check the index.html in the htmlcov subfolder afterwards)
  • Create pull request in GitHub and “request review” from your reviewers
  • Get feedback, Adjust code until approval, then merge (and delete branch)

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