Getting started

MIKE IO 1D is a python library for reading and writing network result files (e.g. .res1d). Its purpose is to be a useful tool for scientists, engineers, and modellers working with MIKE 1D network results.

What types of files can I read?

Any result file related to MIKE collection system, water distribution, and river modelling. Specific file extensions supported include:

  • MIKE 1D network and catchment .res1d files

  • MIKE 1D Long Term Statistics .res1d files

  • MOUSE legacy .PRF and .CRF files

  • EPANET .res and .resx files generated by MIKE+

  • SWMM .out files


EPANET, SWMM, and MOUSE result files are read the same way as res1d files. No special syntax or alternative API is required.

Additionally, support is available for cross section data stored in .xns11 files.

Basics of the network structure

Working with MIKE IO 1D requires a conceptual understanding of network structure. All result data lives somewhere on the network. There’s four main elements of every network:

  • Nodes

  • Reaches (also consisting of grid points)

  • Catchments

  • Global data

When you first open a result file, you’ll see how many of these elements types exist in the file.

>>> from mikeio1d import Res1D
>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d)
Start time: 1994-08-07 16:35:00
End time: 1994-08-07 18:35:00
# Timesteps: 110
# Catchments: 0
# Nodes: 119
# Reaches: 118
# Globals: 0
0 - WaterLevel <m>
1 - Discharge <m^3/s>

Learn more about the network structure here.


The network structure is generic and applies to different domains (e.g. collection systems, water distribution, rivers). Here’s a few examples of result types mapped onto this structure.

Network Element

Result Type


  • Various water levels (e.g. manhole, basin, outlet, junction)

  • Pump discarge in structure


  • Various link discharges (e.g. pipes, pumps, weirs)

  • Water level at various chainages along a river reach


  • Catchment discharge

  • Total Runoff

Global data

  • Water balance

  • User defined variable types

Reading and plotting data

There’s various ways to read data into dataframes and make plots.

Read everything

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')

Read a specific result

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> df = res.nodes['101']

Read a group of results

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> df_node_water_levels =
>>> df_reach_discharges  =

Combine various results into one dataframe

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> res.nodes['101'].WaterLevel.add()
>>> res.reaches['100l1'].Discharge.add()
>>> df =

Use plot() instead of read()

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> res.nodes['101'].WaterLevel.add()
>>> res.reaches['100l1'].Discharge.add()
>>> res.plot()


Think of add() as in ‘add this to some collection of results I eventually want to read to a dataframe’.


The add() workflow may change to something more intuitive. Join the discussion on GitHub to share your opinion :)’.

Inspect network elements

You can easily see what static and dynamic data is associated with a network element within a jupyter notebook.

Descriptive html representations

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> node = res.nodes['101']
<Manhole: 101>
  • id: 101
  • type: Manhole
  • xcoord: -687859.5004882812
  • ycoord: -1056308.700012207
  • ground_level: 196.67999267578125
  • bottom_level: 195.92999267578125
  • critical_level: inf
  • diameter: 1.0
  • WaterLevel

Descriptive string representations

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> node = res.nodes['101']
>>> print(node)
<Manhole: 101>

Accessing static data

>>> res = Res1D('network.res1d')
>>> node = res.nodes['101']
>>> print(, node.type, node.ground_level)
101 Manhole 196.67999267578125
