Dfsu - spectral data

MIKE 21 SW can output full spectral information in points, along lines or in an area. In all these cases data are stored in dfsu files with additional axes: frequency and directions.

This notebook explores reading full spectral dfsu files from MIKE 21 SW as

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mikeio

Read dfsu point spectrum

fn = "../tests/testdata/pt_spectra.dfsu"
da = mikeio.read(fn)[0]
name: Point 1: Energy density
dims: (time:31, direction:16, frequency:25)
time: 2017-10-27 00:00:00 - 2017-10-27 05:00:00 (31 records)
geometry: Point Spectrum Geometry(frequency:25, direction:16)
da.plot(); # plots first timestep by default

Don’t like the default plot? No worries, it can be customized.

ax = da.plot.patch(rmax=8);
dird = np.round(da.directions, 2)
ax.set_thetagrids(dird, labels=dird);

Dfsu line spectrum

Data in dfsu line spectra is node-based contrary to must other dfsu-formats.

fn = "../tests/testdata/line_spectra.dfsu"
da = mikeio.read(fn).Energy_density
name: Energy density
dims: (time:4, node:10, direction:16, frequency:25)
time: 2017-10-27 00:00:00 - 2017-10-27 05:00:00 (4 records)
geometry: DfsuSpectral1D (9 elements, 10 nodes)
spec = da[0].isel(node=3)  # note first 3 points are outside domain
name: Energy density
dims: (direction:16, frequency:25)
time: 2017-10-27 00:00:00 (time-invariant)
geometry: Point Spectrum Geometry(frequency:25, direction:16, x:1.89843, y:51.69084)
spec.plot(cmap="Greys", rmax=8, r_as_periods=True);

Plot Hm0 on a line

Hm0 = da.isel(time=0).to_Hm0()
Hm0.plot(title='Hm0 on a line crossing the domain');

Dfsu area spectrum

fn = "../tests/testdata/area_spectra.dfsu"
da = mikeio.read(fn, items="Energy density")[0]
name: Energy density
dims: (time:3, element:40, direction:16, frequency:25)
time: 2017-10-27 00:00:00 - 2017-10-27 05:00:00 (3 records)
geometry: DfsuSpectral2D (40 elements, 33 nodes)
da.plot(); # default area plot is Hm0

da_pt = da.sel(x=2.9, y=52.5)
name: Energy density
dims: (time:3, direction:16, frequency:25)
time: 2017-10-27 00:00:00 - 2017-10-27 05:00:00 (3 records)
geometry: Point Spectrum Geometry(frequency:25, direction:16, x:2.90053, y:52.47039)

Interactive widget for exploring spectra in different points

from ipywidgets import interact
from datetime import timedelta
def plot_element(id=(0,da.geometry.n_elements-1), step=(0,da.n_timesteps-1)):
    spec = da[step,id]
    time = da.start_time + timedelta(seconds=(step*da.timestep))
    spec.plot(vmax=0.04, vmin=0, rmax=8, title=f"Wave spectrum, {time}, element: {id}");