Dfsu - Extract Track

Similar to the MIKE tool DataTrackExtractionFM.exe the Dfsu method extract_track() can be used to extract model data along a track (e.g. satellite altimetry track)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_inline.backend_inline import set_matplotlib_formats

import mikeio

Load dfsu result file

The file contains surface elevation and wind speed model data. We wish to compare the model data with altimetry data

track_file = '../tests/testdata/altimetry_NorthSea_20171027.csv'
data_file = '../tests/testdata/NorthSea_HD_and_windspeed.dfsu'
dfs = mikeio.open(data_file)
number of elements: 958
number of nodes: 570
projection: LONG/LAT
  0:  Surface elevation <Surface Elevation> (meter)
  1:  Wind speed <Wind speed> (meter per sec)
time: 67 steps with dt=3600.0s
      2017-10-27 00:00:00 -- 2017-10-29 18:00:00

Load and visualize altimetry tracks

The altimetry data is stored in a csv file. We plot the data on top of the dfsu mesh.

track = pd.read_csv(track_file, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
lon lat surface_elevation significant_wave_height wind_speed
2017-10-26 04:37:37 8.757272 53.926136 1.6449 0.426 6.100000
2017-10-26 04:37:54 8.221631 54.948459 1.1200 1.634 9.030000
2017-10-26 04:37:55 8.189390 55.008547 1.0882 1.717 9.370000
2017-10-26 04:37:56 8.157065 55.068627 1.0309 1.869 9.559999
2017-10-26 04:37:58 8.124656 55.128700 1.0369 1.939 9.980000
ax = dfs.geometry.plot.mesh(figsize=(8,7))
track.plot.scatter('lon','lat', ax=ax);

track_xy = track[['lon','lat']].values
print(f'Inside domain: {sum(dfs.contains(track_xy))} points of the track (total: {len(track_xy)})')
Inside domain: 922 points of the track (total: 1115)

Extract track data from dfsu file

The extract_track() takes a track definition (time, longitude, latitude of each point) as either a dataframe, a csv-file, a dfs0 file or a mikeio.Dataset.

e_track = dfs.extract_track(track_file)
# convert to dataframe and rename columns
df = e_track.to_dataframe()
df.columns = ['Longitude', 'Latitude', 'Model_surface_elevation', 'Model_wind_speed']

Compare with the observed altimetry values

df['Obs_surface_elevation'] = track['surface_elevation']
df['Obs_wind_speed'] = track['wind_speed']
resi = df.Model_wind_speed - df.Obs_wind_speed
bias = resi.median()
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(resi**2))
print(f'Wind speed: bias={bias:.2f}m/s, rmse={rmse:.2f}m/s')
Wind speed: bias=0.68m/s, rmse=2.05m/s
plt.plot([0,25],[0,25], color='r')

resi = df.Model_surface_elevation - df.Obs_surface_elevation
bias = resi.median()
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(resi**2))
print(f'Surface elevation: bias={100*bias:.2f}cm, rmse={100*rmse:.2f}cm')
Surface elevation: bias=-6.34cm, rmse=11.50cm
plt.plot([-0.6,2.5],[-0.6,2.5], color='r')