import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mikeio
Dfsu - Connectivity
ds ; ds.geometry.plot()
The info on the connectivity between nodes and elements can be found in the element table
= ds.geometry.element_table
et len(et)
0] et[
array([718, 229, 143])
Let’s find out if any of these nodes are also found in another element, this would imply that these elements are neigbours (adjacent).
for i, e in enumerate(et):
for n in et[0]:
if n in e:
print(f"Node: {n} found in element {i}")
Node: 718 found in element 0
Node: 229 found in element 0
Node: 143 found in element 0
Node: 229 found in element 701
Node: 718 found in element 743
Node: 143 found in element 765
Node: 143 found in element 973
Node: 718 found in element 974
Node: 718 found in element 2000
Node: 229 found in element 2000
Node: 229 found in element 2080
Node: 718 found in element 2081
Node: 718 found in element 2982
Node: 143 found in element 2982
= ds.geometry.n_elements ne
= {}
nodetable for el in range(ds.geometry.n_elements):
= et[el]
for node in nodes:
if node in nodetable:
= [el] nodetable[node]
def is_neighbour(a, b) -> bool:
return len(set(a).intersection(set(b))) == 2
# create table with neighbours
= {}
ec for el in range(ne):
= et[el] # nodes in this element
for n in nodes:
= nodetable[n] # elements that has this node
elements for e in elements:
if is_neighbour(et[el], et[e]):
if el in ec:
if e not in ec[el]:
= [e] ec[el]
1772] ec[
[1053, 1769, 1773]
= ds.geometry.element_coordinates
coords = ds.geometry.find_nearest_elements(x=340000,y=6.16e6)
e1 e1
= ec[e1]
e1_n e1_n
[1720, 3125, 1717]
= ds.geometry.plot.mesh(figsize=(12,12))
ax 330000,360000)
plt.ylim(0], coords[e1,1], marker='*', s=200, label="Selected element")
plt.scatter(coords[e1,0], coords[e1_n,1], marker='+',c='red', s=200, label="Neigbour elements")
plt.scatter(coords[e1_n, plt.legend()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x26a88790520>
Shortest path
= ds.geometry.find_nearest_elements(x=343000,y=6168000)
ea = ds.geometry.find_nearest_elements(x=365000,y=6168000) eb
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path
= lil_matrix((ne, ne))
D for i in range(ne):
= ec[i]
row for j in row:
= np.sqrt(
d 0] - coords[j,0]) ** 2 + (coords[i,1] - coords[j,1]) ** 2
)= d
D[i, j] = csr_matrix(D)
D = shortest_path(D, return_predecessors=True) dist, pred
The predessors matrix pred
encodes the previous step in the shortest path between any node (in this respect a node in the graph is an element) in the graph. In order to get all steps in the path between two elements we can loop through the steps.
= [eb] # the destination
path = eb
n while n != ea: # when we reach the start, we are done
= pred[ea,n] # walk backwards
0:10] path[
[3375, 2225, 3376, 2873, 2556, 2872, 2555, 2560, 39, 84]
The path between two elements is here to illustrate how the distance along the shortest path is calculated, you don’t need to use the pred
matrix if you are only interested in the distance.
Calculate the distance through air (ignoring land).
= np.sqrt(np.sum((coords[ea,:2] - coords[eb,:2])**2)) euc_dist
= ds.geometry.plot.mesh(figsize=(12,12), title=f"Distance through air: {euc_dist/1000:.0f} km\nDistance through water: {dist[ea,eb]/1000:.0f} km")
ax 330000,370000)
plt.ylim(0], coords[ea,1], marker='*', s=200, label="Element A")
plt.scatter(coords[ea,0], coords[eb,1], marker='*', s=200, label="Element B")
plt.scatter(coords[eb,0], coords[path,1], marker='.',c='green', s=100, label="Shortest path")
plt.scatter(coords[path, plt.legend()
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x26a8852ef40>
# Create sparse connectivity matrix
= lil_matrix((ne, ne))
C for i in range(ne):
= ec[i]
row for j in row:
= 1 C[i, j]
Geometry: Dfsu2D
Dimensions: (time:5, element:3612)
Time: 2018-03-07 00:00:00 - 2018-03-11 00:00:00 (5 records)
0: Surface elevation <Surface Elevation> (meter)
1: Total water depth <Water Depth> (meter)
2: U velocity <u velocity component> (meter per sec)
3: V velocity <v velocity component> (meter per sec)
= ds.Surface_elevation.values.T
data data.shape
(3612, 5)
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
= AgglomerativeClustering(
c =10, connectivity=C, linkage="ward"
n_clusters ).fit(data)
array([8, 9, 7, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=int64)
= mikeio.DataArray(c.labels_, geometry=ds.geometry, item="Cluster #")
da da
Name: Cluster #
Geometry: Dfsu2D
Dimensions: (element:3612)
Time: 2018-01-01 00:00:00 (time-invariant)
=(12,12), cmap='tab10') da.plot(figsize
<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'2018-01-01 00:00:00'}>