

Add layer information to exported streamline data

This script uses a shape-file containing the points of streamlines exported from a FEFLOW simulation and adds a column with the according layer number of each point.


Changing Properties of Discrete Feature Elements

A simple example to change properties of Discrete Features Elements in FEFLOW. It is used to turn DFE on or off during the simulation


Changing the Error Tolerance at Runtime

Change the error tolerance at runtime showcasing its influence on FEFLOWs time stepping behavior.


Implementing the Mass-Load Boundary Condition

This scripts implements a Cauchy Boundary Condition to specify total mass flux and hence inflowing concentration even if using the convective form of transport.


Evaluating performances for different threads and solvers

This scripts evaluates the computational performance of a given model for different number of threads and solver types.


FEFLOW benchmarks

Heat Transport

Domenico and Palciauskas (1973)

This is a benchmark to verify FEFLOWs ability to solve advective-dispersive-conductive heat transport models:


We will add more benchmarks over time. Do you have a numeric benchmark you want us to publish here? Please don’t hesitate to contact us at mike.de@dhigroup.com!