
FMDAp has the following modules:

Key features#

PFS files

  • Get a dictionary with all DA settings

  • Get DataFrame of measurements

  • Get DataFrame of model errors

  • Get DataFrame of diagnostic outputs

  • Check if points are inside domain, find nearest cell centers

See PFS notebook for examples of use.

Diagnostic outputs

  • Get summary statistics

  • Plot timeseries

  • Plot histogram

  • Plot ecdf

  • Get analysis, forecast, result, increments and innovations

Ensemble output

  • xx


  • Estimate AR(1) half-life from data

  • Simulate AR(1) process

See Analyze forcing data notebook for examples of use.


  • Get pair-wise distances and correlation coefficient from Dfsu file

  • Fit Gaussian distance function to the above

See Analyze forcing data notebook for examples of use.